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     When the subject of possible membership of the church with the World Council of Churches (WCC) comes up, many church members flatly refuse to believe or even discuss the subject.  Others resort to asking their minister if such is so.  These naively believe exactly what their minister states, and this settles the matter for them.  But others are not so easily turned aside, and want to know the facts in the case so that they can make the determination for themselves and then decide what to do.  It is for these careful and thinking Christians that we examine this issue.
     Before we determine whether or not the church we are members of is connected to and working with the WCC, it is imperative we understand a little more about this WCC.
     The World Council of Churches was formally constituted at Amsterdam, Holland, on August 23, 1948.  It is made up of various branch organizations controlled by the WCC.  The goal of the WCC is to unite all the religions of the world into one ecumenical package--or a one world church.  But in order to unite all the world's religions together, the differing doctrines held dear by these religious groups must be waived, and a focusing on those beliefs held in common must be central.
     One of the main branch organizations of the WCC is the National Council of Churches (NCC).  Also included in the organizational structure of the WCC are many lesser branches--such as the Ministerial Associations in the various public communities (See Collectivism in the Churches, p 60, by Edgar C. Bundy).
The National Council of Churches is an organization formally known, before 1950, as the Federal Council of Churches--organized in December, 1908.  The NCC is made up of various churches within the United States of America who have agreed to become members, and to further the goals of the NCC/WCC.
     The goal of the NCC is the same as the goal of the WCC, since it was the leadership of the Federal/National Council of Churches which formed the WCC in 1948 (see World Council of Churches: Religion or Revolution, by Hugh Moreton & N.W. Hutchings, p 3).  Their goal goes beyond just uniting all churches into one, and includes the same goals of Catholicism, the New Age, Free masonry, the Illuminati, the United Nations, and other satanic organizations--or the goal of a New World Order, with Lucifer as god and leader.
     To some this may be hard to believe, but the NCC itself states this in their recommendation of points to be followed in order to bring about world peace: "...a world government...Strong immediate limitation on national sovereignty.  International control of all armies and navies.  A universal system of money.  Worldwide freedom of immigration.  Progressive elimination of all tariff and quota restrictions on world trade.  A democratically controlled international bank...
     "A new order of economic life is both imminent and imperative through voluntary cooperation within the framework of democracy or through explosive political revolution." Time Magazine, March 16, 1942, p 44-48.

     The WCC and it's branch organizations are indeed involved in bringing about this "explosive political revolution" in Countries which are not following their plan for a One World Church and New World Order.  The following are a few examples.
     The WCC gave $85,000 to an African Nationalist terrorist group--PATRIOTIC FRONT--who were waging guerilla warfare in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe in 1978 (see Seattle Times, August 25, 1981).  These terrorists killed over 1900 people, including eight British missionaries and their four children in Rhodesia that year (see Reader's Digest, August, 1982).  In 1974 the WCC gave 6,355 British pounds to members of the terrorist organization--ZANU--in Africa, which were responsible for killing 87 Rhodesian civilians (see WCC: Religion or Revolution, p 13).  Also in 1974, the WCC gave 50,000 British pounds to another Marxist guerilla force--FRELIMO (see Ibid., p 13).
     After the Rhodesian government fell to these terrorist groups, this statement was then given by their representatives at the WCC Conference in Melbourne, Australia in May, 1980: "Our hard-won victory did not come only through our own determination.  We were sustained and reinforced by the support--material, moral, and spiritual--accorded to us by the World Council of Churches, and its member churches." American Opinion, January, 1982, p 4.

     The WCC also gave funds to the Communist North Vietnamese government (see WCC: Religion or Revolution, p 16), the PLO, Cuba, and other pro-Soviet totalitarian movements (see Reader's Digest, January, 1983, p 120).  They also gave $823,000 to the Communist backed organization--SWAPO--in Namibia (see WCC: Religion or Revolution, p 28; American Opinion, January, 1982, p 2).
     As can be clearly seen, the WCC--including the NCC and other lesser branch organizations--is not working for God, but is definitely working against Him!  They are in complete union with the enemy of God, and are furthering Lucifer's goal of being the god and leader of a New World Order.  Hence no church of God should be connected to the WCC/NCC, let alone working with or supporting them.  But where does the money come from with which the WCC finances and supports Lucifer's goal of a One World Church and New World Order--including terrorist activities to bring this about?
     "The obvious question arises: From where does the money come [for WCC financing]?  The answer is: It comes from you.  It comes from you if you put money on the collection plate of a church that is part of a denomination which belongs to the National Council of Churches.  The money goes from your church to your denomination, to the National Council, to the World Council." American Opinion, January, 1982, p 12.

     Thus any church who gives financial or other support to the WCC, or to any of it's branch organizations, is guilty of supporting the move towards a One World Church and New World Order, the spread of Communism, the funding of terrorist groups, and the killing of innocent people and Christians!  And not only would the church itself be held responsible, but each and every corporate member of that church would be held guilty as well! (for Biblical proof of this corporate responsibility, please write for the booklet; Why Are We Held Responsible for Personal, Social, and Corporate Sin?).
     All the different churches which are members or member-units in these various branch organizations making up, and under the control of, the WCC, are technically members of the WCC itself.  But WCC policy states that no individual church is a member of it, only the various branches made up of the churches.  Thus, when any question arises as to whether a particular church is part of the WCC, the leaders of these various churches can technically tell their membership that their church is not a member of the WCC, when it really is through connection to the various branches!
     The following is a partial list of churches which are documented as being a part of, and cooperating or working with, the WCC/NCC; and some for many years: Anglican, Assemblies of God, Baptist (including Seventh-day), Brethren, Catholic (including Old), Christian, Church of God, Congregational, Community, Disciples, Episcopal, Evangelical, Friends (Quakers), Full Gospel, Holiness, Latter Day Saints (Mormon), Lutheran, Mennonite, Methodist, Missionary, Moravian, Orthodox (Bulgarian, Christian, Eastern, Greek, Hungarian, Romanian, Russian, Syrian, Ukrainian), Pentecostal, Presbyterian, Protestant, Reformed, Seventh-day Adventist, United, and Wesleyan (see Letter from the National Council of Churches of Christ, January 13, 1965, from Wilbur C. Parry, Associate General Secretary; American Opinion, January, 1982, p 11; Directory of Christian Councils, published by the World Council of Churches, 1985).
     Yet, even though church union and cooperation is clearly listed in various publications, many church leaders deny that their church has any connection or union with, or has given any support to, the WCC!  Especially is this support, union, and connection of the Seventh-day Adventist church with the WCC vehemently denied by SDA church leadership.  Yet the documents speak more loudly than their words!  So who is telling the truth--the SDA leadership, or the documented facts?
     Let us examine some statements by SDA leaders and church publications, and then compare these with various documents, to see if we can ascertain who is telling the truth.  And we will begin with the question of whether monetary support has been given to the WCC by the SDA church.
     The SDA church states:
     "...we do not make contributions to their [NCC] program." Letter from the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, January 25, 1967, from D.W. Hunter, Associate Secretary.

     "We have no financial relationship with this [WCC] organization.  All of the funds that we as a Church receive...are disbursed entirely through our own denominational channels.  We understand them to be contributed on the basis that we shall use them to maintain the various programs operated by our Church, including of course our various welfare programs....
     "So the brief answer to your inquiry is that we do not contribute any funds to this [WCC] organization." Letter from the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, January 5, 1983, from L.L. Butler, Treasurer.

     "The Seventh-day Adventist Church...does not pay one cent in support of it [the WCC]." Adventist Review, January 3, 1985, p 4.

     Is this really true?  What do the documented facts declare?
     In the year 1959, the SDA church sent a total of $6,700 for the support of the National Council of Churches (see Letter from the National Council of Churches, January 29, 1960, Donald F. Landwer, Assistant General Secretary for [NCC] Finance).
     In 1969 they gave a total of $5,950 for NCC support (see Letter from the National Council of Churches, April 7, 1970, Constant H. Jacquet, Director Research Library).
     In fact, in 1984, the SDA church itself admittedly gave $8,000 to the World and National Councils of Churches, and then stated:
     "This is apparently what it has been running for the last few years." Letter from the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, June 13, 1985, Mitchell A. Tyner, Esq., Associate Director and Legal Counsel of the Department of Public Affairs and Religious Liberty (also see Letter from the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, October 23, 1984, from W.L. Murrill, Undertreasurer).

     Thus, the documented facts, especially from the SDA church itself, prove that they indeed supported the NCC and the WCC with financial help, and for some time!  This means that the SDA church, and every corporate member, is guilty of supporting the goal towards a One World Church and New World Order, the spreading of Communism, terrorism, and aiding the killing of innocent people.
     But what about the union and cooperation of the SDA church with the WCC or any of it's branch organizations?
     The SDA church and its leadership flatly deny that they have any union whatsoever with the WCC or the NCC!
     "Seventh-day Adventists are not members of the National Council of Churches." Letter from the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, January 25, 1967, from D.W. Hunter, Associate Secretary.

     "...the Seventh-day Adventist Church is not a member of the World Council of Churches..." Letter from the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Department of Public Affairs, from B.B. Beach, April 2, 1982.

     "...the General Conference is not a member of the NCC or the WCC..." Letter from the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, October 23, 1984, from W.L. Murrill, Undertreasurer.

     "No.  The Seventh-day Adventist Church is not a member of the World Council of Churches..." Adventist Review, January 3, 1985, p 4.

     In fact, the president of the General Conference had this to say:
     "The Seventh-day Adventist church is not, has not been, will not be a member of the World Council of Churches.  I don't care what evidence you have printed to the contrary.  It is simply a fabrication; it is not true; it is a lie; it is a distortion.  I want to make sure you understand it.  There is NO: there is no membership or intention of becoming a member....We are not and will not be.  I hope you can take that to the bank as a statement of categorical, undeniable truth.  And anything that you receive printed to the contrary, tear it up, throw it in the waste paper basket; its simply not the truth!" Robert Folkenberg, "Issues and Interviews" on SDA radio station--KCDS in Angwin, California, February 19, 1993.

     But what do these documents have to say about the union and cooperation of the SDA church with the WCC or any of it's member branches, that the president of the SDA church wants you to tear up and throw away?  Let us first examine SDA union with the NCC.
     The SDA church was listed as associate members and cooperating members of the National Council of Churches in 1959 (see Letter from the National Council of Churches, August 7, 1959, Wesley B. Goodman, Associate Executive Director).  The SDA church was listed as one of the member-units of the NCC in 1964 (see Letter from the National Council of Churches, January 13, 1965, Wilbur C. Parry, Assistant Council Secretary).
     But does the SDA church have such a close working relationship with the NCC/WCC that they are accepted as a voting member in any of their programs?  What does the SDA church state?
     "We [Seventh-day Adventists] do not vote in their [NCC] activities.  We are not members [of the NCC] and cannot vote." Letter from the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, January 25, 1967, from D.W. Hunter, Associate Secretary.

     "As Seventh-day Adventists who go to the meetings of the World Council of Churches do so as observers, without delegate status of any kind, they have neither the right to speak or to vote." Letter from the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, April 14, 1970, from W.R. Beach, Secretary.

     What do the documented facts reveal about this issue?
     "The Seventh-day Adventist Church does hold voting membership in several of our [NCC] program units and in addition has non-voting or associate membership in other units." Letter from the National Council of Churches of Christ, January 29, 1960, from Donald F. Landwer, Assistant General Secretary for Finance.

     "Over one hundred theologians met in Lima, Peru, in January, 1982, and recommended [voted] unanimously to transmit this agreed statement--the Lima text--for the common study and official response of the churches.  They represented virtually all the major church traditions: Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Old Catholic, Lutheran, Anglican, Reformed, Methodist, United, Disciples, Baptist, Adventist and Pentecostal." Faith and Order Paper #111, Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry, back cover, published by the World Council of Churches, Geneva, 1982.

     The SDA church is also a member of the NCC by way of belonging to the Ministerial Associations in their communities. (A Ministerial Association is composed of different churches within a local community.)  So the SDA church is indeed in union with, and cooperating with, the NCC.  And since the NCC is a branch organization of the WCC, the SDA church is also in union with, and cooperating with, the WCC.  But this is not the only evidence of the Ecumenical union of the SDA church with the WCC--whether directly or through membership in it's various branches!
     In 1985, the WCC published Directory of Christian Councils, which is a directory listing all of it's member-unit churches throughout the world--including those churches found within the NCC and various other branches.  The following is a listing of SDA church's union, membership, and participation with the WCC throughout the world:
M Fraternal associates: Kenya, Africa--"Church of the East African Union--Seventh Day" Directory, p 15.
M Associate members: Rwanda, Africa--"Eglise adventiste du septie'me jour (Seventh Day Adventist Church)" Directory,  p 35.  Solomon Islands--"Seventh Day Adventist Church" Directory, p 195.
M Observers: Finland--"Adventist Church" Directory, p 133. German Democratic Republic--"Gemeinschaft der Siebenten- Tags-Adventisten (Seventh Day Adventists)" Directory, p 139.
M Consultant-observers: United Kingdom--"Seventh Day Adventists" Directory, p 163.
M Membership: Bahamas--"Seventh Day Adventist Church" Directory, p 99.  Belize--"Seventh Day Adventist Church"  Directory, p 100.  Cook Islands--"Seventh Day Adventist Church" Directory p 189.  Sweden--"Seventh Day Adventist  Church" Directory, p 144.

     This is not to mention those branch organizations which are also full members of the WCC, in which the SDA church are members in; such as the Hungarian Council of Free Churches (see Directory, p 142).  This membership was even admitted by the SDA church (see Southern Tidings, September, 1977).  But not only this, a General Conference president also admitted, though regrettably, the church's membership in this Hungarian Council and thus in the WCC!  Neil C. Wilson stated:
     "In Hungry we have had problems and not all of them have been connected with membership in the Council of Free Churches....I wish we weren't a part of it..." Pacific Union Recorder, February, 18, 1985, p 4.

     The SDA church is also not afraid to tell their membership that they are very friendly with the WCC!
     In 1983, the WCC was holding their Sixth Assembly in Vancouver, Canada, and the SDA church was represented in attendance.  The following report to the SDA people was titled as follows:
     "Adventists Find Friends At The World Council of Churches" Messenger, September, 1983, p 5.

     In another SDA church paper, Douglas Devnich, who was a representative of the SDA church at this 1983 WCC Assembly (and who later became the president of the Canadian Union Conference of SDA's), states:
     "...the W.C.C. is not to be faulted on what it endeavors to do....The call comes out of Vancouver in 1983 for a New World Order....
     "My point is that the W.C.C., as the most powerful Christian social agency may well be the world's answer to idealize as well as apply the social ministry of Jesus Christ...and in the establishment of the literal Kingdom of God." Ministry Magazine, November, 1983.

     So the SDA church is not ignorant of what the WCC is doing, but is fully aware of the WCC goal to bring about a New World Order for Lucifer.  And yet they still are willing to work with and unite with them!
     The SDA church even invited an official representative of the WCC as an observer-guest to the 1990 General Conference Session at Indianapolis, Indiana, to deliver a message to the delegate body!
Joan Campbell, Director of the United States office of the World Council of Churches, stated:
     "It is my pleasure to be with you again...I bring you the warmest of greetings from the World Council of Churches and from all our member churches around the world....When I was at your worship service yesterday, it seemed as though it was my own time of worship, as well as yours.  And it said to me that there are many things that we hold in common...
     "So as fellow Christians, like those Pentecost people in the earliest of days, we look at one another and we say that we hold all things in common." Adventist Review, July 10, 1990, p 6.

     Why is the SDA church so eager to work in union with these other churches of Babylon?
     "We [the SDA church] are one with our fellow Christian denominational groups in the great fundamentals of the faith once delivered to the saints." Questions on Doctrine, p 32.

     So the facts make it very clear that the SDA church is indeed financially supporting, in union, cooperation, and working with, the NCC and the WCC!  And what consequences does this have for the SDA church, as well as all those who are members of it?  As the SDA church is in union with, and a part of, the WCC, NCC, and the whole Ecumenical Movement, this means that the SDA church is part of an unholy alliance with Romanism and apostate Protestantism--and thus in union with Babylon the Great!
     But God would have His church and people completely separate and distinct from all the churches of Babylon, that they might be a peculiar people unto Him as well as His special treasure in this world of wickedness.
     "And ye shall be holy unto Me: for I the Lord am holy, and have severed you from other people, that ye should be Mine." Leviticus 20:26.

     "Now therefore, if ye will obey My voice indeed, and keep My covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto Me above all people..." Exodus 19:5 (see also Deuteronomy 7:6 & 26:18-19; 1 Peter 2:9).

     "God has chosen a people who are to proclaim the third angel's message to the world.  They are to be a separate and peculiar people in this world of churches who are transgressing His commandments." Review and Herald, June 21, 1898 (vol 3, p 584).

     What has the SDA church done with God's will that they should be a separate, peculiar, special treasure unto Himself and to no one else?  They have rejected God's will, and have united themselves with the other churches.  They have refused to be a special and holy people unto God, and have chosen instead to cooperate and work with Lucifer and his evil agencies to further his satanic goals!  They have spurned God's immense love and mercy showered upon them, and have instead become a treasure of the kingdom of Babylon.  How can the SDA church and people really believe that they can do God's work, spread His three angel's messages, fear, obey, and honor only Him, and give Him the praise and glory due His holy name, by giving up their peculiarity and holiness and uniting with the evil agencies and wicked organizations doing the bidding of Lucifer?  What blindness!

     As the SDA church and people have placed their dependence upon, and are united and in harmony with, Roman Catholicism, apostate Protestantism, the NCC, the WCC, and the Ecumenical family, how can they be God's peculiar and separate people any longer?  How can they be separate and peculiar when they are in union and allied with God's avowed Babylonian enemies?  Hence, the SDA church and people are no longer God's peculiar church and people!
     History tells them the same thing; that a once favored church and people can no longer remain God's chosen if they unite themselves with God's enemies!
     "The alliances made by the Israelites with their heathen neighbors resulted in the loss of their identity as God's peculiar people.  They became leavened by the evil practices of those with whom they formed forbidden alliances....
     "The experience of Israel will be the experience of all who go to the world for strength, turning away from the living God.  Those who forsake the mighty One, the source of all strength, and affiliate with worldlings, placing on them their dependence, become weak in moral power, as are those in whom they trust....
     "No semblance of nearness to God, no assertion of connection with Him, will be accepted from those who persist in dishonoring Him by leaning upon the arm of worldly power." Review and Herald, August 4, 1904 (vol 5, p 63).

     "The Jewish nation were in captivity, scattered as the Lord declared they would be if they did not as His peculiar people honor and glorify God.  They departed from God; they did not fear and honor His holy name, and the Temple in which they gloried was destroyed." Manuscript Releases, vol 7, p 334 (Manuscript 122, March 10, 1897).

     By the SDA church allying herself in a three-fold alliance with Rome and apostate Protestantism--including the NCC/WCC and spiritualistic Ecumenical Movement, she has not only put aside and rejected the command of God to be peculiar from all the rest of the churches, but she has also rejected Someone else.  She has rejected the precious Saviour Jesus Christ!
     Christ spent 18 centuries preparing for the SDA church to come into existence, making sure all was ready.  Unceasingly He worked for His church, opening the eyes of His people to the precious truths which would polarize the world and prepare the way for His second coming and the end of sin.  Constantly He called His separated, peculiar, special, and treasured people to reflect His image and thus to vindicate God's character to the whole universe, proving Satan's accusations false.  And then to have His chosen people and church spurn His immense love, turn their backs and faces from Him, give up their peculiarity, and unite themselves with Satan as his harlotrous Babylonian bride and church: HOW MUST THIS MAKE CHRIST FEEL?
     How many tears has Jesus shed over this?  How much pain has He felt?  How much more agony must He endure?  What must He be thinking to see His professed people asleep believing that all is right with their SDA church, when all is terribly wrong?  Oh, may our people awaken and see more fully what Christ is going through because a once-chosen people and church have rejected Him, given up their peculiarity, united in harlotry with His avowed enemy, and are working directly against Him with all the power and subtlety of the Devil!
     Since the SDA church has done all these things, it is no longer God's chosen, peculiar, and true church anymore!  It cannot be anything but a counterfeit of God's true church!  And since it is not God's chosen and peculiar church anymore, then whose church is it?  Satan's!  And what is another name listed in the Bible for Satan's church?  Babylon!
     The SDA church is in union with, and closely images, the harlot mother--Roman Catholic church--which is Babylon.  The SDA church is united with the harlot daughter Protestant churches, the NCC, and the WCC--which are Babylon.  And she is so closely and ecumenically united with these fallen Babylon Protestant churches that she is like a sister to them.  Thus she is a sister to fallen Babylon!
     In fact, Sister White warned the SDA church of this very possibility.
     "We are in danger of becoming a sister to fallen Babylon, of allowing our churches to become corrupted, and filled with every foul spirit, a cage for every unclean and hateful bird." Manuscript Releases, vol 21, p 380 (Letter 51, September 6, 1886).

     Now if the SDA church has become a sister to fallen Babylon, or a sister to the apostate Protestant churches, then who is her mother?  Rome!  Or the one "old in adulteries" (see Ezekiel 23:43-44).  And God warned His SDA people of this also!
     "Behold, every one that useth proverbs shall use this proverb against thee, saying, As is the mother, so is her daughter.  Thou art thy mother's daughter, that loatheth her husband and her children; and thou art the sister of thy sisters, which loathed their husbands and their children." Ezekiel 16:44-45.

     As Rome is Babylon, and Protestantism is Babylon, then the SDA church must also be Babylon!  The SDA church is in ecumenical union with all the Babylonian churches, so how could she be anything but Babylon!
     Now there are many Adventists who argue against the possibility of their SDA church being Babylon.  They say: "The SDA church can never be Babylon, no matter if she is in harlotry with the Devil and his followers, and no matter if she is ecumenically united with Rome, Protestantism, the NCC, the WCC, and the whole world; because the SDA church can never be Babylon."
     Although there are no promises of God given without the condition of obedience (see Faith and Works, p 47; Evangelism, p 695; Selected Messages, book 1, p 67; Prophets and Kings, p 293), and despite the fact that Ellen White wrote that the SDA church could be converted into Babylon if they would not fulfill God's will and would unite with the world (see Testimonies to Ministers, p 265; Selected Messages, book 2, p 68; Testimonies, vol 8, p 250), there are some who will not concede.  But this next point should settle this Babylon question forever.
     What if the SDA church declared herself to be Babylon, and told all her members to separate from her?  If that should occur, who could argue otherwise?  Surely no one could then deny that the SDA church was Babylon!
     Did you know that the SDA church has, in essence, declared herself to be part of Babylon the Great, and told all her members to separate from her!  Please read closely to what the SDA church herself has stated:
     "The capstone of the ecumenical effort came with the creation of the World Council of Churches....
     "On the basis of Bible prophecy and the writings of Ellen G. White, SDA's anticipate the eventual success of the ecumenical movement both in eliminating the divisions of Protestantism and in reuniting Christendom by bridging the gulf that separates non-Catholic communions from Rome.  The ecumenical movement will then become a concerted effort to unite the world and to secure universal peace and security by enlisting the power of the civil government in a universal religio-political crusade to eliminate all dissent.  SDA's envision this crusade as the great apostasy to which John the revelator refers as `Babylon the great.'  They understand, also, that God's last message of mercy to the world prior to the return of Christ in power and glory will consist of a warning against this great apostate movement, and a call to all who choose to remain loyal to Him to leave the churches connected with it." SDA Encyclopedia (1976 edition), vol 10 of the Bible Commentary Reference Series, p 410-411 (1966 edition, p 362-63).

     What did the SDA church just state to all her membership?  That any church connected with the Ecumenical Movement and united with the WCC becomes part of Babylon the Great, and all who choose to serve God and remain loyal to Him must separate themselves from that church.
     The SDA church has definitely joined the Ecumenical Movement, and is indeed united and connected with the WCC.  So the SDA church has declared herself to be part of Babylon the Great, and told all her members to separate themselves from her in order to remain loyal to God!
     Not only have we seen that the SDA church and leadership have been lying to and deceiving their people for some time--being proven by the documented facts.  Not only have we found that the SDA church has indeed formed a three-fold alliance with Rome and apostate Protestantism, but we find them also united with the WCC, the NCC, and the spiritualistic Ecumenical Movement.  Not only is the SDA church in agreement with, and is working as a partner with, these Babylonian groups, but they are even giving monetary support for the furtherance of the goal of a One World Church, a New World Order, and the killing of those innocent people who will not go along with these Luciferian plans.  Not only have we found that the SDA church is part of Babylon the Great, but we have discovered that the SDA church herself agrees with this, and urges all her members to separate from her!  But even if the SDA church did not agree with all this, the documented facts prove the above to be true!  And what does God want His true people to do regarding their connection and membership in any church which is in union with Babylon the Great?
     "And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, My people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.  For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities." Revelation 18:4-5.

     This last message of mercy reveals to every member of every church that is connected with Babylon the Great (being Rome, apostate Protestantism, Seventh-day Adventism, the NCC/WCC, the Ecumenical Movement, and all other spiritualistic religions), that if they remain as members they will be a partaker of her sins, and will receive the plagues.  And the only pathway God has prepared for His people to walk to avoid being held guilty of Babylon's sins and being destroyed along with their apostate church, is to separate their connection and membership completely from that church, and instead to become connected with Jesus Christ and become a partaker of His grace and righteousness--thus having the assurance of eternal life.
     If you remain members of any church--including the SDA church--which has given up its peculiarity to God and has become corrupted by being connected with the WCC and Babylon the Great, then you yourself have lost your peculiarity of being one of God's children because of your connection to the WCC and Babylon the Great through your membership in the church!  Thus how could you ever receive the seal of God and make it to heaven?  It would be impossible, because you are considered a partaker and sharer in all the sins of your corrupt church, and are no longer peculiar to God!
     "It is impossible for you to unite with those who are corrupt, and still remain pure.  `What fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? and what concord hath Christ with Belial?'  God and Christ and the heavenly host would have man know that if he unites with the corrupt, he will become corrupt." SDA Bible Commentary, vol 6, p 1102.

     "Those who will be heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ to the immortal inheritance, will be peculiar.  Yes, so peculiar that God places a mark upon them as His, wholly His.  Think ye that God will receive, honor, and acknowledge a people so mixed up with the world that they differ from them only in name?...It is soon to be known who is on the Lord's side, who will not be ashamed of Jesus." Testimonies, vol 1, p 287.

     There is no way that any member of any church--including the SDA church--which is connected with the WCC and Babylon the Great, or with any other satanic religion and organization, can receive the seal of God until after they break all union with their corrupt church, and show themselves to be peculiar to God--separate from sin and sinners.  And if they refuse to separate, and choose to remain on the side of Babylon, then they show that they are ashamed of Jesus because they will not obey His voice to separate and be distinct and peculiar--standing on the Lord's side!  Thus they will be destroyed, along with their apostate church.
     "The angel is to place a mark upon the forehead of all who are separated from sin and sinners, and the destroying angel will follow, to slay utterly both old and young." Testimonies, vol 5, p 505.

     Thus the only way to regain your peculiarity and again become part of God's chosen people, is to separate yourself completely from all churches which are part of, and in union with, Babylon the Great--being Roman Catholicism, apostate Protestantism, Seventh-day Adventism, the WCC/NCC, the Ecumenical Movement, and all the other spiritualistic religions.  And until you follow this straight and narrow pathway of separation, you are not one of God's followers or one of His children!
     "The alliances made by the Israelites with their heathen neighbors resulted in the loss of their identity as God's peculiar people....
     "To-day God's word to His people is: `Come out from among them, and be ye separate, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, and will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be My sons and daughters.'  `Ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.'
     "God's people are to be distinguished as a people who serve Him fully, whole-heartedly, taking no honor to themselves, and remembering that by a most solemn covenant they have bound themselves to serve the Lord, and Him only." Review and Herald, August 4, 1904 (vol 5, p 63).

     When do we regain our peculiarity to God--becoming His sons and daughters, and God becoming our Father?  It is only after we separate ourselves and all our connections with all the apostate churches making up Babylon the Great; not before, but after!  You can only make a covenant to serve God and Him only after you have broken all your connections and covenants--or membership--made with the church!  And until you do break all union with an apostate church, you are not God's child, He is not your God and Father, and heaven is not your home.
     God does not ask His people to go through this purifying process of separation alone, but has promised to help us if we will choose to return unto Him with a whole heart and start walking this narrow pathway.  Yet, God will not force anyone to return back to Him by separating completely from all connection with Babylonian churches.  It is a free-will choice.
     So what is you decision going to be?  Will you remain connected to any church which is in union and harmony with Babylon the Great and be held guilty of all her wickedness?  Or are you going to obey God, and go through the purifying process of breaking all connection with sin and sinners, separate from all the churches--including the SDA church--which are part of Babylon the Great, and regain your peculiarity with God, becoming His child once again?  Will you make this covenant of sacrifice to return unto God, and follow and serve Him only?  Will you escape from being guilty of Babylon's sins and receiving of her plagues?  Or will you cling to the church, share her sin, and suffer the wrath of God?
     "How long halt ye between two opinions? if the Lord be God, follow Him: but if Baal, then follow him." 1 Kings 18:21.

     "Flee out of the midst of Babylon, and deliver every man his soul: be not cut off in her iniquity..." Jeremiah 51:6.

     "And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve...but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15.

     "And I will give them an heart to know Me, that I am the Lord: and they shall be My people, and I will be their God: for they shall return [separate] unto Me with their whole heart." Jeremiah 24:7.