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July - August, 2012

     "There are many precious truths contained in the Word of God, but it is 'PRESENT TRUTH' that the flock needs now." Early Writings, p 63.

Elder: robert sessler
E-mail address:  lightmin@terragon.com

See Him in His Human Nature

     For the next couple of Newsletters we will be examining issues regarding our Lord Jesus Christ that have generated a lot of heated discussion over the past 1,000 years, especially over the past 40 years, and is even currently being discussed among God’s Remnant people.  These particular issues are vitally important as they involve the salvation of humanity and eternal life.
     Even though these issues have been, and are continuing to be discussed, many people have not yet taken a firm and unwavering position on either side, while others believe bits and pieces from both sides.  Several, having heard these issues being discussed so often have become somewhat numb, and have refused to study for themselves in order to know where the correct position is.  Others have chosen to ignore these important issues altogether.  And still others have chosen to take the side of their favorite minister, elder, teacher, spouse or relative as an easy way out.
     But is it a safe course to pursue – to base our decision on truth upon the testimony of some other person?  Absolutely not!  If we base our decision on what is truth by trusting to the guidance of any other human, whether they are leaders of churches, our favorite minister, or even our spouse or friend, we will never find Jesus!  We will be like “children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive” (Ephesians 4:14).  If we rely upon the testimony of another person as to what is truth then we will not obtain salvation, because that other person would be standing in-between Christ and ourselves, and thus Christ is shut out.

     Also, in these important life or death salvational issues which we will be examining, it is not safe for you to base your decisions merely upon your own thinking without any greater authority than that of your own faulty mind.  Many have seen the results of following one's own mind as to what is truth, and the result has been fanaticism and erroneous doctrines, which, by the way, are growing more rampant as each day passes into eternity.
     In order to safely discover what is the truth we must use the greatest authority available to us.  And the greatest authority available is God's inspired word.  God has given us His word as the final and absolute authority as to what is truth in any theological issue or doctrinal discussion.
     “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17.

     So all scripture is given by inspiration of God to do what?  To reprove us if we are believing something wrong; to correct our erroneous understanding of what is truth; and to instruct us in the pathways that lead to salvation through righteousness so that we may be perfect in understanding and action.  God's inspired word then is the deciding factor on whether any doctrinal issue is truth or error.  And we must do this study for ourselves.  We cannot allow anyone else to study for us.  We cannot implicitly trust to the guidance of any other person as to what is truth without risking our salvation, and therefore we must search God's word for ourselves so that we know what is truth.
     “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15.

     “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12.

     God has even given to all His people a simple test which they can safely apply to any doctrine to see if it is truth or not!
     “To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” Isaiah 8:20.

     It is by “the law” – or the word of God, and by “the testimony” of Jesus – or the Spirit of Prophecy (see Revelation 19:10), that we are to test every doctrine to determine if it is truth or not.  If either the Bible or the Spirit of Prophecy disagrees with the doctrine, then there is no light of truth in it!  If we would only follow this simple God-given test, and be willing to do God's will (see John 7:17), then we would never be led astray in any doctrinal error.  So in our examination of these salvational, life-dependant issues, we will be able to discover exactly which is the true understanding by testing them all to the Bible and to the Spirit of Prophecy.

     The very first doctrinal issue we are going to examine is the issue of Christ's nature.  Almost all willing admit that Jesus Christ was divine in nature.  But the problem lies in the understanding of His human nature.  The main point of contention is whether Christ took upon Himself man's fallen or unfallen nature when He was alive on this earth.
     The vast majority of all the churches and theologians in the world today, including the SDA church, teach that Christ took upon Himself the unfallen nature of man.  This unfallen nature is the very same nature that heavenly angels and other unfallen beings possess.  Others believe that Christ did in fact take upon Himself the fallen nature of man.  And still others believe that Christ took a combination of both the fallen and the unfallen human nature.  How can we find out which of these positions is the truth and which are error?  By going to the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy to see which of these God declares to be the truth.
     So then exactly what does God Himself declare is the truth in this issue about Christ's human nature?  Did Christ take the fallen or the unfallen nature of man, or a combination of both?
     “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” Genesis 3:15.

     Christ was this “seed” of the woman who was to bruise Satan's head (see Galatians 3:16), meaning that He would be superior to, and a conqueror over, the devil.  While Satan was to only bruise Christ's heel, meaning that he would cause Christ severe trials and internal pain – which ultimately would lead to the crucifixion, but he would not be superior to Christ and thus would not conquer over Him.
     Now Genesis 3:15 was the message of salvation which was given to Adam and Eve only after sin had already come into the world.  This means that this verse was prophesying that Christ was to be born of a woman after the fall, not before the fall.  Christ therefore could not take upon Himself the unfallen nature of man, or the unfallen nature of angels and other sinless beings, or even a combination of both, because He was born after the fall had occurred and thus He could only take upon Himself the fallen nature of man.
     “For verily he took not on him the nature of angels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham.” Hebrews 2:16.

     “...he (God) raised up upon them (Israel) David to be their king...Of this man's seed hath God according to his promise raised unto Israel a Saviour, Jesus:” Acts 13:22-23.

     “Remember that Jesus Christ [is] of the seed of David...” 2 Timothy 2:8.

     Not only was Christ born a human from the seed or linage of Abraham, but he was also born from the seed or lineage of David, as well as being born of a virgin woman named Mary.  And what nature did Abraham, David, and Mary possess in which they could only pass on to all of their offspring?  The Scriptures plainly declare that it could not have been the unfallen nature like angels possess, but could only have been a fallen human nature.  So the only human nature which Christ could be born with was the fallen human nature which He inherited from Abraham, David, and Mary.
     But the Bible is just half the test to determine what is truth in this issue.  So then what does the Spirit of Prophecy declare about Christ's human nature?
     “He took on Himself, not the nature of angels, but the nature of man...” Testimonies, vol 8, p 207.

     “...(Christ) taking man's nature in its fallen condition...” Selected Messages, book 1, p 256.

     “Christ, the spotless Son of God, honored humanity by taking upon himself fallen human nature.” Review and Herald, September 29, 1896 (vol 3, p 397).

     “...the divine Son of God, who had, with unprecedented self-denial, and love for the creatures formed in His image, come from heaven and assumed their fallen nature...” SDA Bible Commentary, vol 5, p 1150.

     So when Christ came to this earth, He took upon Himself our fallen human nature, not unfallen human nature, and He did so out of love for you and me.  But was it an honor for Christ to take upon Himself our fallen nature?
     “Notwithstanding that the sins of a guilty world were laid upon Christ, notwithstanding the humiliation of taking upon Himself our fallen nature, the voice from heaven declared Him to be the Son of the Eternal.” Desire of Ages, p 112.

     It was humiliating enough for Jesus Christ – a God in the heavens above – to consent to be born a human.  But it was unprecedented self-denial and humiliation for Him to take upon Himself the fallen nature of sinful man!  Yet some will argue that the words “fallen nature” refer only to the physical form of man after sin, and does not refer to the real inward nature of man which fell after sin.  But what does God state about this belief?
     “It was in the order of God that Christ should take upon himself the form and nature of fallen man...” Spirit of Prophecy, vol 2, p 39.

     So Christ did not just take upon Himself the outward physical form of fallen man, but He also took the inward nature of man after the fall.  Christ did indeed become one with us in this same fallen nature, and what a marvel it is to even contemplate such a thought!
     Yet still others will argue that the fallen human nature which Christ took upon Himself was somehow shielded from being contaminated or defiled with man’s sinful nature; that it was somehow supernaturally protected when He was born of Mary.  But did Christ really unify our sinful human nature with His sinless divine nature?
     “He (Christ) took upon Him our sinful nature.” Review and Herald, December 15, 1896 (vol 3, p 421).

     “He took upon Himself fallen suffering human nature, degraded and defiled by sin.” SDA Bible Commentary, vol 4, p 1147.

     “Christ did in reality unite the offending nature of man with His own sinless nature...” Review and Herald, July 17, 1900 (vol 4, p 201).

     “Though He had no taint of sin upon His character, yet He condescended to connect our fallen human nature with His divinity.  By thus taking humanity, He honored humanity.  Having taken our fallen nature, he showed what it might become...” Selected Messages, book 3, p 134.

     Thus Christ took upon Himself our fallen nature, degraded and defiled by sin.  And in doing so, He has honored humanity by uniting it with divinity!  So the fallen, sinful, human nature which Christ took upon Himself was just like the fallen, sinful human nature that you and I possess.
     “The human nature of Christ was like unto ours...” Signs of the Times, December 9, 1897 (vol 3, p 436).

     “His (Christ’s) human nature was created; it did not even possess the angelic powers. It was human, identical with our own.” Selected Messages, book 3, p 129.

     “Jesus assumed humanity...making all feel that His identification with their nature and interest is complete.” 1895 General Conference Bulletin, p 338.

     “The majesty of heaven held not Himself aloof from degraded, sinful humanity.” Testimonies, vol 5, p 346.

     “He humbled Himself that He might meet fallen men where they were...” Review and Herald, July 21, 1891 (vol 2, p 506).

     This means that the human nature which Jesus Christ voluntarily took upon Himself was completely like unto ours, brothers and sisters.  It was identical to us.  Jesus did not hold Himself aloof from our fallen, sinful and offending nature, but He came and took it all upon His sinless nature so that He could indeed become one with us.  But what an infinite humiliation it was for Christ to do such an amazing thing by becoming one with fallen mankind!
     But why?  Why would the Son of God come down to this dark world, cursed with the stain of sin, and take upon Himself the fallen, sinful, defiled, offending and degraded human nature of man?
     “Jesus laid aside his robes of royalty, stepped down from his eternal throne, clothed his divinity with humanity, and for our sakes became poor, that we through his poverty might become rich.  Rich in money? in lands? in bank-stock?--No; that we might secure eternal riches.  There is no salvation except that which comes through Christ.  He came to earth to lift up the fallen.  With his human arm he encircles the race, while with his divine arm he grasps the throne of the infinite, thus connecting finite man to the infinite God, and uniting earth to heaven.” Review and Herald, October 27, 1885 (vol 1, p 557).

     “In order to carry out the great work of redemption, the Redeemer must take the place of fallen man.” General Conference Bulletin, February 25, 1895, p 332 par. 3.

     Christ took upon Himself our fallen, sinful, offending human nature so that He could unite humanity with divinity.  Christ did this so that He might then bring humanity into connection with the infinite God, so that we might thereby secure eternal riches instead of eternal loss.  But there is another reason why Christ took upon Himself our fallen, sinful nature.
     “The Son of God does indeed call men, uniting them with Him as brethren, conferring upon them the honor of divine sonship.  What wonderful condescension on the part of Christ.  He became our elder brother, that we might become sons and daughters of God.  We have been bought with a price--and what a price!  Christ volunteered to come to this earth and stand at the head of fallen human beings, who were heirs of guilt, under sentence of eternal death.  We must have perished had He not borne our guilt and the wrath of God.” Manuscript Releases, vol 12, p 61.

     So Christ took upon Himself our sinful human nature so that He could become our Elder Brother, and thus we could then become the sons and daughters of God in order to escape the sentence of death.  Christ volunteered to reach His human hand all the way down to where you and I were in the pit of sin, so that when we grasp His human hand He can lift us up, and bear our penalty for sin which we deserved to suffer.  Then with His divine hand He grasps the hand of God His Father so that through this connecting link of Christ we are brought into direct connection with His, and our, divine Father.  That is why we are told:
     “The humanity of the Son of God is everything to us.  It is the golden chain that binds our souls to Christ, and through Christ to God.” Our High Calling, p 48.

     This is why understanding that Christ really took upon Himself our fallen, sinful, defiled human nature is so essential to salvation.  The complete humanity of Christ with us is the truth that binds our souls to Christ and then through Him to God our Father.
     Now what if we choose to believe differently than what God has declared is the truth in this issue, and should instead believe that Christ was only unfallen in human nature?  If so, then how could Jesus truly be our Elder Brother if He was not like us fallen human beings in nature?  And then how could Christ fully reach down to connect Himself with fallen human beings if He was not also fallen in nature?  Also since there is such a stark difference between an unfallen and a fallen nature, then how could Christ ever hope to become bound to fallen humanity, in the depth and strength needed in order to provide us with an unbreakable bond to God, if He was only of an unfallen nature?  So I hope you can see that  if Christ took an unfallen human nature or even a combination of fallen and unfallen human nature, then we have no complete and unbreakable tie that fully binds us to Christ because we only possess a fallen nature!
     If we hold to such a doctrinal belief as this, then we would have no Saviour to look to for help in our time of need because Christ would not know what we were going through since He would be so different from you and me in nature and thus could not help us.  He could not know from experience how to guide us as an Elder Brother would.  Thus Christ would be effectively robbed and stripped away from us as our personal Saviour, and all because of our choice to believe differently than what God has already declared is the truth.  If Christ did not really take our fallen, sinful human nature upon Himself, then we will all perish in our sins!

     Brothers and sisters, do not allow any person, irregardless of whether they are pope or pious priest, or even your favorite minister or teacher, to cause you to lose your personal Saviour!  It is only by looking to Jesus Christ that we find the way of salvation, a way of escape from the degradation that sin has brought us, and a way to commune with our Father and escape eternal destruction.  And praise God that inspiration plainly declares that Christ took upon Himself the fallen, degraded and offending sinful nature of mankind so that He could completely become one with and of us!  But what humiliation it was for Christ to endure by taking our fallen, sinful nature upon Himself in order to reach us where we were!
     “It was the marvel of all the universe that Christ should humble Himself to save fallen man.  That He who had passed from star to star, from world to world, superintending all, by His providence supplying the needs of every order of being in His vast creation--that He should consent to leave His glory and take upon Himself human nature, was a mystery which the sinless intelligences of other worlds desired to understand.” Patriarchs and Prophets, p 69.

     “Our Saviour purchased the human race by humiliation of the very severest kind.  He, the Majesty of heaven, disrobed Himself of His glory, and clothed His divinity with humanity, that He might pass through what humanity must pass through.” Review and Herald, October 23, 1900 (vol 4, p 229).

     What type of humiliation did our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ consent to endure for us?  A humiliation of the very severest kind!  Christ, the majesty of heaven, voluntarily stripped Himself of His glory and clothed His divinity with fallen humanity so that He might pass through exactly what humanity passes through!  That is why the humanity of Christ means everything to us. To know and understand that Christ took our fallen, sinful human nature upon Himself so He could be completely one with and of humanity – a true Elder Brother in the same fallen flesh – is the golden link that binds us together with Him!  THIS KNOWLEDGE ASSURES US THAT WE HAVE A PERSONAL SAVIOUR WHO CAN INDEED SAVE US FROM SIN AND DEATH – BECAUSE HE KNOWS FROM HIS OWN EXPERIENCE IN FALLEN SINFUL HUMAN NATURE WHAT WE FALLEN HUMAN BEINGS ARE GOING THROUGH IN THIS WICKED WORLD!  Praise God dear ones, and understand that Jesus Christ became human in fallen nature so that He could become your Elder Brother!  So look to your Elder Brother and understand that He is indeed a human being like you in every way.
     “His (Christ’s) human nature was created; it did not even possess the angelic powers. It was human, identical with our own.” Selected Messages, book 3, p 129 paragraph.3.

     But if you choose to believe in any of the other variant doctrines about this truth, then there is little hope of salvation from sin and death for you, because these beliefs would limit Christ from being a complete Saviour in your life’s experiences!
     Those who refuse to believe that Christ did in reality take upon Himself our fallen, sinful human nature and then lived as one of us through this fallen nature, will not just stop at this wrong conclusion alone, but they will be led to adopt other wrong conclusions in other essential aspects of truth as well.  Thus they will continue to head down the wrong pathway which ultimately ends in eternal destruction.
     “In our conclusions, we make many mistakes because of our erroneous views of the human nature of our Lord.” Our High Calling, p 48.

     Thus avoiding or giving up all erroneous views of Christ’s human nature, and then accepting and embracing the true understanding, is the great key which unlocks the door of salvation and allows us to correctly understand the truth on other salvational issues as well.
     But this raises the question: How could Jesus Christ save us from sin and death by just taking our fallen, sinful, defiled human nature upon Himself?  There must be another reason why He had to endure such humiliation as this in order to accomplish our salvation.
     “For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.” Hebrews 4:15.
     “Christ assumed our fallen nature, and was subject to every temptation to which man is subject.” Manuscript Releases, vol 17, p 29.

     So then Christ voluntarily took upon Himself our fallen, sinful human nature so that He could – what?  So that He could be in all points subject to every temptation upon which you and I are subject to.  Dear ones, what love is this!  Christ, who knew no sin, was willing to come all the way down in the scales of humiliation to the lowest point by taking the fallen, sinful, degraded and offending nature of humanity upon Himself so that he could be subject to the same temptations which we experience!  What amazing condescension on the part of our Saviour!  What stupendous and limitless love and self-sacrifice is shown to us all by the fact of our Saviour voluntarily humiliating Himself to take the form and nature of fallen man so that He could be tempted like as we are!
      “What love!  What amazing condescension!  The King of glory proposes to humble Himself to fallen humanity!  He would place His feet in Adam's steps.  He would take man's fallen nature, and engage to cope with the strong foe who triumphed over Adam.  He would overcome Satan, and in thus doing He would open the way for the redemption from the disgrace of Adam's failure and fall, of all those who would believe on Him.” God's Amazing Grace, p 23.

     It is this very issue of Christ in fallen human nature being “in all points” “subject to every temptation to which man is subject” that we will explore more fully in our next Newsletter.


     TRUE CHURCH WEBSITE: The Lord is continuing to bless our TrueChurchofGod.info website.  In the month of May we had 15,510 hits, which were generated by 2,679 visitors.  In these Visitor Sessions, 7,248 documents of Present Truth were viewed, and over 759 million bytes of information were downloaded.
     In the month of June we had 13,296 hits, which were generated by 2,765 visitors.  In these Visitor Sessions, 4,879 documents of Present Truth were viewed, and over 490 million bytes of information were downloaded.
     So for these past 2 months, over 1.24 billion bytes of information were downloaded from our Gospel Truth website by over 5,400 visitors!
     LTBL MINISTRIES WEBSITE: The Lord is also abundantly blessing our LightMinistries.com website!  In the month of May we had 133,688 hits, which were generated by 23,492 visitors.  In these Visitor Sessions, 38,418 documents of Present Truth were viewed, and over 21.57 billion bytes of information were downloaded.
     In the month of June we had 159,110 hits, which were generated by 22,229 visitors.  In these Visitor Sessions, 38,342 documents of Present Truth were viewed, and over 23.25 billion bytes of information were downloaded.
     So for these past 2 months, over 44.82 billion bytes of information were downloaded from our Gospel Truth website by over 45,700 visitors! MAY GOD'S HOLY NAME BE INDEED PRAISED!!

     SPANISH BIBLE STUDIES: We have our Bible Study Lessons translated into Spanish and available on-line for any Spanish speaking people who are interested in learning more of what the Bible teaches.  The actual link to these important studies is: http://www.lightministries.com/id1875.htm

     NEW TRACT: Our newest tract is titled “The Righteousness of Christ”.  It is already available in print, as well as being on-line for free reading and download at this link: http://www.lightministries.com/id815.htm.  This tract brings before the reader the glorious subject of the righteousness of Christ, and what steps are necessary in order to obtain this precious gift for yourself. This tract is written strictly from the Bible, and thus would be an excellent evangelistic tool in reaching out to the world with this precious and life saving truth about the righteousness of Jesus Christ which He paid the ultimate price to be able to bestow as a free gift to all of mankind.  If you would like to have a free complementary printed copy of this tract, please write us.

     TO OUR SUPPORTERS: Please know that "Let There Be Light" Ministries is not using your support to build itself up into a kingdom, nor are we trying to acquire expensive video, TV or shortwave facilities.  But we are trying to spread the truth as quickly and economically as possible.  Please also know that you have played an important part in helping spread the Present Truth into various parts of this world, including through the printed page, through the living full-time workers and ministers we sponsor, and also through our Web Sites on the internet.  This is how the Loud Cry of the third angel will be spread, and is now being spread!  If the Lord impresses you to help in these endeavors, your donations and prayers will be greatly appreciated, and not just by this Ministry.  MAY GOD RICHLY BLESS YOU!


     "Let There Be Light" Ministries is committed to the spreading of the full present truth gospel message worldwide, and has been doing so since 1986.  This Ministry has operating expenses covering the areas of: printing, publishing, and writing of present truth books, booklets, tracts, and other literature; DVD, video and audio taping, production, and distribution; supporting several ministers and workers in foreign Countries; mail order – both domestic and foreign; traveling to hold meetings – both locally, nationally, and internationally; answering correspondence and questions regarding the message of truth; offering National and International Bible studies; sending free present truth literature to contacts in many poor Countries; etc.
     Your gracious prayers and support is greatly appreciated and needed.  Without the Lord's guidance, blessings, and your support, this Ministry could not continue to reach out worldwide with the precious message of Revelation 14:6-12 & 18:1-5.

     May our God and Saviour continue to lead and guide all those who have helped us reach souls who sit in darkness with the precious light of gospel truth.  May our supporters remember that they share in each and every soul who has been reached by this Ministry and converted to the Lord and His present truth!


     We are currently supporting several workers in many different Countries on a monthly basis.  We check into the economy of each area and supply a base support which is adequate depending on their situation, but not extravagant.  This base support is to ensure that the monthly needs of each worker and family is met for that month so that the worker may devote full time to the ministry work.  In addition to this, we are sending extra materials for evangelism, and money for printing, publishing, holding meetings, traveling, and other necessary areas in spreading the Present Truth in their Country.  And as the work extends, especially will the expenses for evangelism expand.  Whatever you can send to help in this necessary and vital area is greatly appreciated.
     The work of spreading God's present truth is not to be limited, but must extend world-wide to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people before our Saviour can come (Matthew 24:14).  What better way of spreading the Present Truth Gospel than by having workers who speak the native language, who reside in that particular Country, who can live and preach the truth, visit the interests in their homes, and spread the printed truth translated into their native language!
     "Our publications should be printed in other languages, that foreign nations may be reached.  Much can be done through the medium of the press, but still more can be accomplished if the influence of the living preacher goes with our publications....The Lord has moved upon men of other tongues and has brought them under the influence of the truth, that they might be qualified to labor in His cause." Testimonies, vol 3, p 204-205.

     Please financially help us to continue supporting our current ministers and workers on a consistent basis, so that the spreading of the truth will not be interrupted but can quickly lighten this dark world with the glory of God.
     "Every opportunity should be improved to extend the truth to other nations.  This will be attended with considerable expense, but expense should in no case hinder the performance of this work.  Means are of value only as they are used to advance the interest of the kingdom of God.  The Lord has lent men means for this very purpose, to use in sending the truth to their fellow men."  Testimonies, vol 3, p 208.


FIJI Islands:
     M Printing and mailing expenses for booklets and tracts to Fiji.
     M Printing of booklets and tracts in Fiji.
     M Mailing cartons of KJV Bibles and Spirit of Prophecy books.

KENYA, East Africa:
M Printing and mailing expenses for booklets and tracts to Kenya.
     M Printing of booklets and tracts in Kenya.
     M Projector, screen, and evangelistic film for non-SDA outreach.
     M Mailing cartons of KJV Bibles and Spirit of Prophecy books.
     M Purchase of printing machine to aid in publication of present truth--$3,500.

M Printing and mailing expenses for booklets and tracts to PNG.
     M Printing of booklets and tracts in PNG.
     M Mailing cartons of KJV Bibles and Spirit of Prophecy books.
     M Used SOP books.
     M Clothes to pass out to naked villagers.

M Mailing cartons of KJV Bibles and Spirit of Prophecy books.
     M Printing of booklets and tracts in Philippines.
     M Printing and mailing expenses for booklets and tracts to Philippines.
     M Printing 100,000 tracts in Philippines--$1,450.

UGANDA, East Africa:
M Monthly operating expenses for the publication work already established there.
     M Mailing cartons of KJV Bibles and Spirit of Prophecy books.

ZAMBIA, Central Africa:
M Monthly operating expenses for the publication work already established there.
     M Start up costs to open a Health Center and Herbal Store--$6,000.
     M Donations of any amount to help with construction of a home–$12,000 total cost.
     M Mailing cartons of KJV Bibles and Spirit of Prophecy books.
     M Donations of any amount to help purchase a vehicle–$6,000 total cost.

M Printing and mailing expenses for booklets and tracts to Zimbabwe.
     M Printing of booklets and tracts in Zimbabwe.
     M Donations of any amount to help with construction of a home–$12,000 total cost.
     M Mailing cartons of KJV Bibles and Spirit of Prophecy books.
     M Donations of any amount to help purchase a vehicle–$6,000 total cost.

     Please be sure to mark all donated monies for any of the above Ministry or Foreign Mission needs.  100% of all donated monies will go where specified.  Unspecified donations will go where needed.  Thank you very much for making this evangelistic work possible, and may God's richest blessings attend you and yours.


Dear Elder Robert,
     Thank you so much for your continued support.  I am writing to acknowledge the receipt of the wonderful gift of Tracts, News Letters and Books.  I am now 66 years old and I know which things to appreciate, of which some of them are the spiritual materials which you send to my family.  Of course, I enjoy when I share with my friends in our Christ Remnant Home Churches and even others who do not belong to our faith....
     God Bless you all.
P.C., Malawi, Africa.

Hi Elder Bob,
     Shalom and greetings.  Hope your Sabbath was a blessing.  We continued to praise God for so many opportunities to preach the 3 angel message to the dying world.  The Lord has been so good despite all the life challenges and persecutions.
     Last year we established 15 house fellowships in Benin Republic and five in Republic of Togo.  We have also so many orphans, widows and rescued Voodoo temples prostitutes we care for.  They need your prayers and supports.
     Yesterday being the Sabbath, 3 members of SDA visited us and worshiped with us and has decided to worship God with us afterward.  They will return on Wednesday for New Comer’s Class Lesson.  Please pray for them and our activities that require lots of finances.
     We have been praying for God's intervention on our many life challenges in Ministry and homes.  We met last Sabbath to pray and worship our God.  My outdated desktop computer is angry with me as he has called it a quit, so I don't have any more computer. (CAN SOMEONE PROVIDE ME WITH A LAPTOP AND A DIGITAL CAMERA to record our activities?)  Henceforth I will patronize the dangerous cybercafés out there.  The man whom we borrowed some money to augment what we had to send back the orphans to school and to provide for the widows came last Sabbath and took away my only means of connecting the rural areas congregations and house fellowships, my motorbike. I gave him my motorbike to avoid the Police troubles pending when I will refund him his money.
     This is a great shame for me and to the very poor congregations here.  No donation or offering is too small to help us to start offsetting this debt.  Pray for God's intervention in our congregations and Ministries which include, orphans, widows, rescued temple prostitutes, etc.
     Thanks a lot for the regular Newsletter that you sent that is blessing our walk with the Lord....
     We shall continue to mention you in our daily prayers.
Shalom, M.P., Benin, West Africa.

Dear Robert Sessler,
     Many Christian greetings from Tanzania. I take this moment to break the silence that has existed for almost three months now.  I am fine doing the Lord’s business.
     I have had a hectic schedule for almost three months now.  The police case where we were interrogated and our [E.G. White] books held at the police station is still there.  I told the police authorities that I am too busy in June, July and August of which they allowed me.  We hope to handle that case soon since the SDA leadership is afraid of that event.  I have collected enough evidence to prove that they tampered the books of Ellen G. White.  Besides, the man from the General Conference flew to Tanzania and requested the SDA leadership of Tanzania to end the case in peace.  What they want me to do is to leave the case alone.  However, we have not sat on the same table to negotiate.  Our prayer is that the case may go to the court of law.
     They accused us of fraud – forging the books of Ellen G. White.  I am just 51 years old.  They did it and when the church members of Tanzania are complaining of forgery; they have decided to throw the ball on us.  For us we hope to use any golden opportunity that comes to witness.
     Dear Sessler, we have held two evangelistic meetings since June in the city of ____.  The first one was from June 23-July 7, 2012 while we finished the second one the day before yesterday (August 19-September 1, 2012).  The attendance in the first meeting was about 200 people daily.  However, in ____ (____ city) the attendance has ranged from 3000-4000 daily.  The response was positive.  We presented the Present Truth regardless of the opposition from the SDA Church.
Yours in the Blessed Hope, T.K., Tanzania, East Africa.



Dear brother Bob,
     Thanks for all God's blessings.  Praise be to God.  Truly God will work in this last work in a manner contrary to any human planning, out of the common order of things.
     Our brethren at ____, whom the Rwandese confused in 2010, finally God worked for them.  They called us, and last weekend ____, ____ and myself were with them.  As we had told them, they proved them wrong on the Lord's table in regard to children participation; the emblems to be used - the Rwandese claim any type of food and drink can be used.  We shared with them on the progress of Reformation with fanaticism as its chief enemy, the need of personal study in order to grow in grace, the needed benefit of temptation in growth, and the last and eighth church of Revelation. It was so blessed a Sabbath we had together after one and half years.
Your prayers for such souls will be a great blessing.  B.I., Kenya.


Dearest elder bob,
     1 John 3:1,
     Firstly I would like to say thank you for helping us [with the] funds for Bibles.  100% [of these] funds are given to New Guinea Island Mission (NGIM) Treasurer; they agreed to purchase some KJV Bibles and Pidgin Bibles for the graduating students and workers.  The Treasurer of the NGIM extends his gratitude to you (LTBL) for your support.  He said; “We really wanna thank God and LTBL ministry that a donation just came in on rightful time which the 28 student will graduate next week”.
     28 students from five New Guinea Islands Provinces will be graduating on the 07th of June.  We taught them on leadership quality, door to door evangelism, doctrinal issues, and health & medical work.
     Students will be sent out to the remote fields for two months practical before return back to their respective home/churches. Please I need some funds if available to send the students out to their practical fields after graduation.
     Communication system in the Island is not healthy, so I’ll sending you some reports when return home.
Keep looking up with faith and good works.  B.K., Papua New Guinea.


(Combination of 3 letters) Dearest Elder Sessler,
     Christian greetings from this side, hope all is fine in Lord.  For long I have wanted to write that concerning the Saviour’s work, save human weaknesses always held me back.
     I received a call to go to ____ at the western side of the river Nile close to Democratic Republic of Congo and Southern Sudan.  Made some efforts to get there, [and when] I was a few Kilometers to that place, save I lost phone net-work so could not make it.  God willing I will try again next month.
     Those who called said the situation in SDA Church is pathetic, for some of them visited me last year [and I] shared with them the reason as to why we need to separate from the SDA Church.  They seemed to not see or understand at that material time, but as they went back home the Spirit of the Lord helped them to start seeing what I was telling them and understanding.  They are ready to come out [of] her and be separate.  They use Swahili some, bit of Lingala/French, and their local language.  They will need some booklets in Swahili.
     Visited ____ [and] shared with brother ____ on many needs of the work and what strategies we need to put [in] place, avail us some information about Jeannine Sautron [as] I lost the one I had.  I have searched [but] to no avail.  Some one from Kenya is circulating information to brethrens in ____ that she is a prophet with her dreams and vision.  Please help and e-mail some latest information about this lady.  For way back in the late 1990’s I knew she made some false prophecies on Politics and other things.  It is long.  Some brothers have made arrangements that we meet with this brother around 20th May 2012.  We shall be grateful to have some Info about the said person.
     We await help in the printing area of our work, for the machine is laying [idle] without any [money to print materials].  May our heavenly Father touch somebody to render a hand in sending out the silent messengers to [all the] world far and near.
     Thanks a lot for the support and your earnest requests to our heavenly Father and Father of all spirit and flesh.  God of our fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob bless you mightily....
     Thanks for funds to run the [printing of] our publications and to buy Bibles.  I have purchased papers and ink.  This time round I got them a bit cheap from ____.  It is the Bibles that I have ordered [from] someone to buy from across [in] Kenya.
     I have been down [sick], even right now I feel unbalanced, my sight is not very clear....I thought I would write back immediately, save my health side [of my] life grew more impairments, but thanks be God [that after long struggle I’m better in Jesus.
     Got to ____ on 22nd May 2012.  This Seminar arrangements were done by br. ____.  It only turned upon us that it was [a] one sided meeting.  The Dream and Vision person took the lion share in the names ____ from Kiisi, Kenya.  He seems to be their contact person this side, that is in Uganda.  He made a lot of blatant discrepancies to [the] amazement [of] many [and] he was duly protected by the organizer of the meeting.  When people saw there was no way they would [allow themselves] to [be] corrected they pressed [them] hard, [but] instead the brother was calling them distracters of the meeting...Thanks be [to] God, [that] most [of] the brothers stood their grounds...
     Most questionable areas were:...True separation can only be done under the direction of living prophet, no dead prophet can lead the [people] of God to the promised land.  So all separated groups are false and satanic [since] they [believe they do not] need to hear the living prophetess.  Even Baptism, Health Reform, Medical Missionary [work must be under Sautron’s direct control] or else this [ministers and] doctors are practicing spiritualism.  Leadership [from] God must first directly communicate to the living prophetess before someone ascends to lay position to work for God, or else you are sending yourselves [a self-sent messenger]. Etc....
     Thanks a lot for prayers and the support that helps us to move on despite the economical hardships in time. God richly bless your efforts [in] the Church that side and across nations.
Yours in Christ Jesus, B.K., Uganda.


Dear Elder Bob,
     Thank you so much for your concern toward me.  I also wish to say I have understood what you have said to me.  I know my brother how big the struggle you are waging toward ministers of this faith in all the world that they may keep supported.  But my brother,...the time when God needs more laborers is also the time when the Evil one will use any pretext to remove workers from the field....I serve God and not support (mammon, means, money, etc).  I keep looking forward to the time when the Lord will work in a manner out of the common order of things and I pray, [and] will continue to pray that the Lord of Hosts will supply sufficient means for His work.
     It may be the Lord 's will that I am in a saddening situation at the moment.  Do not therefore forget me at this crisis that I am currently experiencing.  I will be coming every month to town by the grace of God to find out if there is any extra means you happen to get.  I will also do my best to update you on the developments taking place in regards to this last work.  Pray for me.  Keep looking up my brother, for the Lord is soon to come.
Greetings to your family. B.N., Zimbabwe.